Embark on an extraordinary New Year's journey into the heart of ancient Egypt. This exclusive program offers a unique blend of private plane travel, a four-night Nile River cruise aboard the luxurious Sanctuary Nile Adventurer, and unparalleled access to Egypt's legendary sites. The adventure begins in Cairo, where you'll explore the Great Pyramids and the Great Sphinx up close, bypassing the usual crowds. Visit the new National Museum of Egyptian Civilization, with a special look behind the scenes at its restoration center. Delve into the recently opened underground chambers of King Djoser's Step Pyramid in Sakkara, and explore the tomb of Wahtye, adorned with statues, paintings, and hieroglyphics. A private flight to Luxor leads to visits to the UNESCO-listed necropolis in Thebes and rare access to Queen Nefertari's tomb, known for its vivid wall paintings. The Nile River voyage takes you to sublime tombs and temples in Luxor, Edfu, Kom Ombo, and Aswan, with a private plane journey to the awe-inspiring temples of Abu Simbel. Conclude your journey in Cairo.